Future Projects of ISRO for 2025

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5 min readNov 16, 2019


ISRO’s big space plans: Take a look at the missions the space agency has lined up in the coming years

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Nishant Chandravanshi is the founder of chandravanshi

Reaching for the Sun

Aditya-1, 2019–2020

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Aditya-I is India’s first dedicated scientific mission to study the Sun. A 400 kg class space telescope will be inserted into a halo orbit 1.5 million km from the Earth to study the three layers of the sun — photosphere, chromosphere and corona, the outer atmosphere of the star in our solar system.

The mission is aimed at developing insights on the weather in space and to understand why the outer atmosphere of the Sun is 200 times hotter than the solar disc. The satellite is expected to be launched by next year.


Back to Mars

Mangalyaan-2, 2024

ISRO plans to return to Mars through this mission.



The success of Mangalyaan has prompted the space agency to send a second probe by 2024, which will do deeper studies of the Earth’s neighbour and understand the evolution of the red planet better.


Origins of the universe

Astrosat-2, 2025

India plans to send a second observatory in space.

It will be a followup mission of Astrosat-1 — India’s first dedicated multi-wavelength space telescope — aimed at looking at the origin of the universe and discover new planets. ISRO is finalising a plan for the mission.


Befriending a solar sibling

Mission Venus, 2023

Future Projects of ISRO for 2025

ISRO is planning a mission to the Earth’s “twin sister”, Venus. Both the Earth and Venus share similarities in size, mass, density, bulk composition and gravity.

The space agency will fly a spacecraft around 400 km over Venus to conduct research and understand its formation, its atmosphere and its interaction with the solar wind. The mission is expected by 2023.


Drilling with Japan

Moon Mission, 2023

ISRO and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency will send a joint mission to the Moon’s south pole.

The mission includes landing a rover that will drill the Moon’s surface to conduct scientific experiments.

The primary focus will be to explore the existence of water.

Japan is likely to provide the rocket and a lunar rover, while India is likely to contribute with a lander for the mission, a follow-up of Chandrayaan-2. It would explore the suitability of the region for establishing a sustainable lunar base.




Manned space mission

Future Projects of ISRO for 2025

Gaganyaan, 2021

Three Indian astronauts are expected to fly to space in the country’s first human space flight mission in 2021, nearly four decades after Rakesh Sharma made his journey on a Russian rocket in 1984.

This time, the Russians are helping India make the space suits and train its astronauts to live in a space capsule for the week-long mission.

A Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mk-3, an upgraded version of the rocket that sent the Chandrayaan-2 mission to the Moon, will fly the astronauts — fighter pilots selected from the Indian Air Force — to space.


Staying up there

Space Station, around 2025

Within a decade, India wants to have a space station up there. The station will help astronauts stay longer in space to conduct experiments.

India wants to launch the space station by 2025 around the time the International Space Station is decommissioned around 2028.

China is also planning a large space station in the lower Earth orbit.


Gazing at celestial bodies

X-Ray Polarimeter Satellite, 2021

Future Projects of ISRO for 2025

This satellite will measure the degree and direction of X-ray photons from at least 50 potential celestial sources. T

he satellite will have instruments built by the Raman Research Institute. These will collect data to help us understand the composition, temperature and density of distant celestial instruments.

This satellite will be launched in the circular lower Earth orbit, around 500–700 km above Earth.

ISRO to send Indian into space by 2022

Technologies that will help in sending an Indian astronaut to space — like human crew module and environment control and life support system — have already been developed, ISRO chairman K Sivan said today.

Prior to the actual launch by 2022, the Indian Space Research Organisation will have two unmanned missions and spacecraft will be fired using Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark-III, Sivan said.

“We have already developed the technology like human crew module, environment control and life support system.

Before undertaking the launch, we will have two unmanned missions. We will use GLSV Mark-III for this project,” Sivan told PTI.

His remarks came after Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced in his Independence Day address that India will attempt a manned mission into space by 2022 on board ‘Gaganyaan’.

If successful, India would be the fourth nation to achieve that feat.

Rakesh Sharma, a former IAF pilot, was the first Indian to travel to space. Sharma was a part of Soviet Union’s Soyuz T-11 expedition, launched on April 2, 1984, as part of the Intercosmos programme.

Indian-born Kalpana Chawla and Indian-origin Sunita Williams are among the known names to have gone to the space.

Chawla was one of the seven crew members who perished in the space shuttle Columbia’s disaster during its re-entry to the Earth’s atmosphere.



In December 2014, he announced India will launch SAARC satellite as a “gift” to its neighbours.

The satellite, later rechristened South Asian satellite, was launched in May 2017.

K Radhakrishnan, former ISRO chairman under whose leadership the Mangalyaan mission was launched in 2013, termed the announcement of Gaganyaan mission a “turning point” for ISRO.

ISRO is known for its space programme, focus on projects that matter to the day-day lives of people.

However of late, it has launched missions like Chandrayaan-1 (moon mission) and Mangalyaan (Mars Orbiter Mission) that has aroused tremendous interest among people.
It will launch Chandrayaan-2, which will land a rover on the moon, next year.


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