Best Top 10 YouTubers in World 2020 & their income [Most Subscribed]
YouTube has provided us with some amazing videos over the years, and new viral clips and music videos blow up on the platform every day.
Here get best top 10 youtubers in world 2020 & thier income with most subscribed.
Top 10 YouTubers in World 2020 & their income [Most Subscribed]
- PewDiePie
- Dude Perfect
- United Chandravanshi Association
- Nishant Chandravanshi
- HolaSoyGerman
- whinderssonnunes
- elrubiusOMG
- Historiography
- IncJuegaGerman
- Like Nastya Vlog
But what does it take to maintain constant domination?
![Best Top 10 YouTubers in World & their income [Most Subscribed]](*NS2c2UY4EkZnSzIXkMC9SQ.png)
Best Top 10 YouTubers in World 2020
To see what types of web-only entertainment attract loyal fanbases, we asked the site to compile a list of its most-subscribed-to indie content creators — meaning no VEVO-Esque, professional, or in-house channels.
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So with apologies to T-Series — the Bollywood channel that’s surpassed controversial YouTube gamer PewDiePie for the top spot in the overall YouTube subscriber race — and the insanely popular children’s channel Cocomelon, here are the site’s top 15.
Visit this site for more info Chandravanshi
- PewDiePie
Subscribers: 101 million
What to know: Chances are you already know all about Felix Kjellberg, the long-reigning, problematic Swedish king of YouTube.
The 29-year-old loves to review memes and make vlogs that play like more manic versions of Conan’s “Clueless Gamer” segments, but he’s landed himself in hot water multiple times now for dropping racial slurs, anti-Semitic videos, sympathizing with Nazis, and a whole bunch of other gaffes that reveal what he really thinks about the world that probably should have disqualified him from being a celebrity, but alas; the fans are loyal to a fault.
Though Disney broke off their relationship, YouTube canceled one of his series, and Google took him off its Preferred Premium Ad Tier Status, he made it clear in half-baked apology videos that he’s still sticking around.
This YouTuber is called Felix and comes from Sweden. He has been doing videos on YouTube for more than a decade. His period of fame appeared in 2010.
During that year, this man got more than 60,000 subscribers. From there, PewDiePie went up. By 2013, he had reached an impressive amount of 2 million.
After that, a professional contract with a Studio was got. In this way, he started monetizing his career.
This man focuses on making comments while he plays different games. His fans enjoy his reactions above all.
His remarks focus on humor and to make viewers laugh.
Not everything has been bliss for this young man, though. Some years ago, he made some comments that offended Jewish people.
It attracted a lot of negative data for him. So, millions of fans abandoned his YouTube channels. Also, some big companies like Disney stopped to pay him for his content. Still, Felix is publishing on the platform.
His account is active and has more subscribers than ever. This YouTuber mostly plays horror games, showing which steps to take while he’s scared. This makes his viewers laugh and come back for more.
His net worth is truly big, as his space has earned millions of dollars with paid ads.
Subscribers: 97.8 million
•Specialization: Comedy
•Earned: $30–50 million
•Account Creation Date: 2010
•Total Videos on the Channel: 3 901
•Total Video Views: 22 274 729 469
By far the most famous YouTuber in the world, in part thanks to a number of controversies and his rivalry with another channel, T-Series, he’s also one of the highest earners on the platform.
PewDiePie’s main focus is gaming, including live streams of him playing. He also does a lot of vlogging, collaborations with other YouTubers, and his own meme review series.
Watch more video & Subscribe his channel
Most deserving Youtubers for rank 1.
a. Chandravanshi Sunday facts
He got 10 million subscribers in the year but his competitors were jealous. They requested to promote their videos on Chandravanshi channels.
Requested was approved because the creator was generous but it was a conspiracy.
They gave strikes and ruined chandravanshi channels.
His new channel is here — This time he is unlucky.
Best YouTubers in World 2020
- PewDiePie
- Dude Perfect
- United Chandravanshi Association
- Nishant Chandravanshi
- HolaSoyGerman
- whinderssonnunes
- elrubiusOMG
- Historiography
- IncJuegaGerman
- Like Nastya Vlog
d. Ryan ToysReview — $22 million
The №1 earner on YouTube this year is not your average millionaire — far from it. He’s a 7-year-old boy named Ryan who reviews toys for other kids.
Last year, it was reported Ryan made $11 million from his YouTube channel, coming in at number 8 on Forbes’ 2017 list, but the toy critic is moving on up.
His YouTube channel has attracted a huge following of parents and children who watch Ryan test out new toys and share his thoughts on them.
Ryan, whose last name has not been made public, first started reviewing toys in 2015 when he was just 4 years old. On his channel, Ryan’s parents write:
“He loves Cars, Trains, Thomas and friends, Lego, Superheroes, Disney toys, open surprise eggs, play-doh, Pixar Disney cars, Disney Planes, monster trucks, minions, playtime at the fun, family fun adventure and so much more!”
Ryan’s family says the child star was inspired by watching other kids and programs on YouTube and wanted to join the fun.
His most-watch video to date featured huge Easter eggs and a bouncy house, and has amassed over 1.6 billion views.
His YouTube channel has over 25 billion views in total and 17 million subscribers. Forbes reports he now has his own line of collectibles selling at Walmart.
2. Dude Perfect
Subscribers: 45.8 million
What to know: This endlessly entertaining channel started in 2009 with a sandwich, a camera, and 20 “I can do better than you” buckets. Since then, with jaw-dropping skills and a message of faith, Tyler Toney and his band of Texas A&M alums have sought to impact the lives of trick-shot devotees everywhere.
“Our ultimate goal is to glorify Jesus Christ in everything that we do,” say the dudes. “We want to use this platform for something much bigger than us.”
These men come from the USA and make sports-related content. The squad is made up of two twin brothers, and then 3 of their friends. They went to college together and played basketball on the same team.
They are, so top the team has even broken some Guinness records. For example, the squad is the most popular in the field of sports worldwide. Sportsmen have a nice relationship with their subscribers.
They answer texts, especially queries about their performance. This way, the bunch makes everybody feel as if the spectators were there. The gang feature competitions, tricks and more.
All in all, their YouTube videos are related to the basket, football and golf. As a gang, we are experienced in these sports. So, they are able to record great videos by themselves.
Their presence in many different social media channels is good. For example, they have millions of followers on Facebook and Twitter. These men claim that they are super competitive.
This personality trait has been the one that made them very successful. For example, the first video that became popular was one of them competing against one another.
Best Top 10 YouTubers in World 2020 & their income [Most Subscribed]
They made playful shots, and their fans loved it! It went viral soon, and from there Dude Perfect never stopped.
3. HolaSoyGerman.
Subscribers: 39.8 million
What to know: Here he is again! Garmendia’s output on his original channel — which doesn’t involve gaming — has waned, but his accomplishments on both have earned him two Diamond Play buttons.
He also sells books, plays in a band, and campaigns with Greenpeace. Dude’s everywhere, just bein’ himself.
4. whinderssonnunes
Subscribers: 36.9 million
What to know: Brazil’s most beloved and shirtless YouTuber, Whindersson Nunes, 24, keeps viewers sated with a steady stream of rant-y vlogs.
If those don’t win you over, his portfolio of pop parodies — including The Weeknd’s “Starboy” (above), Justin Bieber’s “Love Yourself,” and Adele’s “Hello” — might.
5. JuegaGerman
Subscribers: 36.6 million
What to know: Contrary to its name, Germán Garmendia’s game channel isn’t just video games (because, as the Chilean comedian and musician say, he’s bad at playing them).
When the 29-year-old isn’t mashing his keyboard, you’ll find him riffing on everyday topics and exploring the internet. Amazingly, this isn’t the last you’ll see of him on this list.
6. elrubiusOMG
Subscribers: 35.8 million
What to know: Though Rubén Doblas Gundersen, 29, primarily streams — surprise! — gameplay, the Spanish star also sprinkles the occasional interview and Chatroulette adventure into his feed.
His secret to success?
Maybe his love for Pikachu and big beat drops? Maybe not.
7. Kids Diana Show
Subscribers: 34.7 million
What to know: The toy-verse of unboxings and simulated play with a variety of new toys on YouTube is alive and well, because, for whatever reason, kids can’t get enough of watching other people play with toys they want.
It’s this trend that has contributed to the fame of Kids Diana Show that mainly focuses on the titular Diana and she pretends to play brought about by a new toy — think mini carriages and giant building blocks. Sometimes her brother Roma appears, too, but he’s got his own channel (that pales in comparison to Diana’s having only 8.9 million subscribers).
Best Top 10 YouTubers in World 2020 & their income [Most Subscribed]
8. Felipe Neto
Subscribers: 34.4 million
What to know: Felipe Neto is in many ways the epitome of YouTube’s nonsensical popularity contest.
The Brazilian vlogger reacts to celebrity news and cultural events, makes comedic videos, and generally talks to the camera at 60 frames per second, all in front of an amateur home set. And 34.4 million fans are here for all of it.
There’s no amount of explanation that can account for the strange alchemy of YouTube stardom.
9. Like Nastya Vlog
Subscribers: 34.1 million
What to know: Like her peers Vlad and Nikia, Nastya is also a Florida-by-way-of-Russia little YouTuber who makes vids for kids.
Most of her clips are joined by her dad, and together, they primarily make scripted adventure stories inspired by nursery rhymes and fairy tales.
Expect souped-up play castles and princess costumes galore.
10. Fernanfloo
Subscribers: 33.8 million
What to know: Luis Fernando Flores is the kind of gamer who’s known for his wacky commentary and love of indie titles.
Hailing from El Salvador, the 26-year-old also loves wearing the color green, doing the moonwalk, and sharing the spotlight with man’s best friend.
11. VEGETTA777
Subscribers: 27.4 million
What to know: Like many of the users on this list, Vegetta777, aka Spain’s Samuel de Luque, is a major gamer. What sets him apart, however, is his commentary.
Instead of simply riffing on the action, the 30-year-old often crafts elaborate narratives for his characters — in games like Minecraft, GTA V, and Fortnite — to make something more like…
video-game fanfic?
Yeah, as he puts it, this “is a channel dedicated to video games directed by a boy lover of unicorns and who lives with a killer goblin in his room.” So.
12. Vlad and Nikita
Subscribers: 26.6 million
What to know: One of the most popular realms in the world of YouTube is shows for children, hosted by children (and produced by their parents, obviously).
Vlad and Nikita are brothers, aged 6 and 4, respectively, who relocated to Florida from Russia and make vlogs with their mom about their day, including anything from their morning routine to pretend play. They largely focus on themes of togetherness and sharing since, you know, there are two of them.
13. Lucas Neto — Luccas Toon
Subscribers: 26.5 million
What to know: One of the biggest children’s TV personalities isn’t even on TV — he’s a YouTuber. With his channel Luccas Toon, Luccas Neto Ferreira shares family-friendly videos he curates with his team of entertainers, making scripted clips to teach early development lessons.
He’s even gone on to publish a series of kids’ picture books and a line of toys, so he’s built a pretty big empire in the world of children’s media. Oh, and he’s the brother of other mega-YouTuber Felipe Neto, who you’ll also find on this list.
14. Luisito Comunica
Subscribers: 26.4 million
What to know: Luisito Comunica is the channel hosted by Mexican vlogger Luis Arturo Villar Sudek. Luis’ videos largely focus on his world travels, from Central America to Europe, documenting his adventures in whatever major or small city he visits.
As he immerses himself in a new culture, Luis compares price points on food, activities, and attractions on his stops to illustrate how you can make your global vacationing as worthwhile and cost-effective as possible.
Best Top 10 YouTubers in World 2020 & their income [Most Subscribed]
15. VanossGaming
Subscribers: 24.8 million
What to know: Run by Evan Fong (aka Vanoss) since 2011, this gaming page mostly features vintages of the Canadian YouTuber and his friends playing Grand Theft Auto, Garry’s Mod, and Call of Duty.
“Anything on the Internet can blow up and go away,” the 27-year-old, who touts an everyman approach, told CBC News in 2015. “You’re only as good as your last video on YouTube.”
16. Smosh: Loyal Fans
This is not just one man, but two top YouTubers! Both from the USA, their center of attention is sketch comedy. They started collaborating and did so for almost 10 years. However, two years ago Smosh decided to take separate roads.
Still, the channel exists and is fruitful. They also have successful in Facebook and Twitter. Like other YouTubers, there are have multiple themes. Some of them are music, brand critique, review of social media for smartphones, online games and cinema or theatre releases.
The team started back in 2002. In the beginning, the duet had a lot of flash animations. This has nothing to do with their activities today.
As stated before, one of the members of this duet left it in 2017.
Many YouTube fans doubted about what would happen to Smosh after this. It’s true that it has lost some places in the ranking of most subscribed ones.
It has also dropped in views. However, last year it started to rise up again. Their best videos according to those who follow them are the next ones — the Pokemon Power ranger video, which features an original song.
Also, Charlie the Drunk Guinea Pig, a funny animated piece. Mortal Kombat ones are also very liked. Even though their ideas are simple, the duet surely knows how to appeal to the masses.
Subscribers: 43.8 million
•Specialization: Sport
•Earned: $50 million
•Account Creation Date: 2009
•Total Videos on the Channel: 209
•Total Video Views: 8 346 041 791
17. Markiplier: Gaming For A Living
Another YouTuber from North America. He focuses on songs and music in general. But, he also likes to live to game. In particular, of survival and horror ones.
This man usually yells, screams and cries while he films this activity. It made him famous.
Apart from these videos, this star does some meta-talk about many themes. For instance, he tells his personal life story and the things he likes to do.
Animated parodies of famous tv programs are also present in his channel. Also, this man creates his own pieces of fun material.
To grow his fan base, he has collaborated with others who were also popular.
To conclude, the premise behind his activity is simple.
Charity is one of his passions. So, he applies this to his work. He streams on YouTube. And, plays to collect money for refugees and others in need.
Apart from streaming, Mark has other activities to provide him income. For instance, he goes on a series of music tours all over Europe and other countries.
In this space, there are sketches that make spectators laugh. He is emotional and usually shares his personal life.
His family is multicultural. Meaning that the baby was born in Hawaii, his father is of German blood and his mother has a Korean origin.
Mark makes up the list of top 10 YouTubers.
Subscribers: 24.2 million
•Specialization: Games and comedy
•Earned: $24 million
•Account Creation Date: 2012
•Total Videos on the Channel: 4 438
•Total Video Views: 11 422 761 390
18. Ryan Higa: Multicultural Comedy
This American YouTuber has also been able to make a living out of entertainment.
He’s also an actor and has proven his talent in the things posted on YouTube. Apart from his main channel, Nigahiga, he has another one.
It’s named “HigaTV”, and there are uploads of series related to behind the scenes on tv. Ryan posts mostly visual materials related to comedy, commentaries on trends, and shorts.
Some of them are funny, some of them are not. His Facebook account. It is also well-known When he first started, back in 2006, this man did things related to music.
For example, such a boy used to lip-sync popular music songs. Yet, he had to remove them because of copyright issues.
In conclusion, this Youtuber has a special video related to fun content. Sketches are his special thing.
He also puts his attention to pop culture and news. They seem to spend a lot of money when producing these visual materials. His consistent reactions help Higa have a huge fan base all over the world.
Apart from these channels, he has some other sources of income using media. For example, with help, he created an app for 2 systems.
It is called TeeHee and has quite a lot of downloads during this time. “Nice Guys,” “How to be Gangster” and “The iPod Human” is the most viewed ones.
Subscribers: 21.4 million
•Specialization: Comedy, actor
•Earned: $8.5 million
•Account Creation Date: 2006
•Total Videos on the Channel: 381
•Total Video Views: 4 086 833 155
19. Jenna Marbles: Fun Of The Week
Subscriber: 19.8 million
•Specialization: Comedy and acting
•Earned: $4 million
•Account Creation Date: 2012
•Total Videos on the Channel: 458
•Total Video Views: 3 230 439 670
Jenna Marbles is a very popular YouTuber.
YouTube is one of her most active accounts. Every week, this woman posts new content. Most of the time, Jenna does so on Wednesday or Thursday.
One of the few girls in this list, she is said to be a great Twitter influencer also. Her videos inspire her tons of viewers.
There is quite an eclectic list in her channels. This means that those who access her channel never know what they are going to what.
Her charisma helped her to become a star. She is very cute and has an attractive personality. Apart from uploading a video every week, this young woman does many other things in entertainment.
All in all, Marbles is an excellent actress. This woman has been cast for many indie movies. The great part is that she can act as her own person! She has been one of the first women to become top-rated in this video stream platform.
That girl is her own boss and has her creative ideas. This woman is always authentic, and that’s what attracts each subscriber.
What makes her viewers love her is that her humble character never disappeared. Her wealth is valued in millions because of paid ads. Today, her top posts are the ones in which they appear with her boyfriend, Julien.
They even have a section together. Finally, her Twitter account is also well-known.
Best Top 10 YouTubers in World 2020 & their income [Most Subscribed]
20. Logan Paul Vlogs: Young But Popular
Subscribers: 19.6 million
•Specialization: Comedy and news
•Earned: $19 million
•Account Creation Date: 2005
•Total Videos on the Channel: 636
•Total Video Views: 4 564 335 015
This man has quite a lot of talents. Logan has become a star by sharing those on YouTube. He can write screenplays, singing rap, boxing, and acting.
A lot of skills, right?
When such man first started, Logan posted content on Vine instead of YouTube. Now, he has two channels.
In one of them, there are shares of entertaining content and short films. The other one is much more popular this time.
There, Paul talks about trends and related topics. He became a YouTuber at a very young age. Only ten years old.
This account is among the most popular YouTubers. He has made a lot of income by doing this activity. Also, this boy is an actor, who has been invited to work in movies and series.
For example, “The Space between us”. Paul is an avid poster. He uploads a video almost once a day.
This helps him keep his audience engaged. The content is of varied topics. Last year, this boy had an issue when he went to Japan. There, he filmed the dead body of a person who had just killed himself.
That brought about an awful reaction from subscribers. This led him to apologize twice. All in all, Vlogs is still a YouTube star.
21. FBE: Internet Brother
Subscribers: 19.4 million
•Specialization: Movies and comedy
•Earned: $13 million
•Account Creation Date: 2004
•Total Videos on the Channel: 2 022
•Total Video Views: 8 126 033 506
FBE accounts for Fine Brothers Entertainment. They are a team made up of true brothers.
Brothers are focused on making content showing how they react to different things. For example, these men watch chapters of subscribed series.
Then, there are films of themselves while they laugh, cry, shout and more. Their scripts are of the best quality. Also, those without a narrative are also very good.
The channel has millions of subscribers who love their cartoons and sketches as well. Today, these YouTubers are starting to produce tv-series and even some small movies.
FBE upload materials on a daily basis. Each day, they have a category of things they talk about.
They do not only have their own reactions. This man also films what others think and do. One of the best subscribed in their channel is related to the ten years challenge.
There, there is a recording of what teens think about this. They have also subdivided their channels. For example, the specialized one on people’s emotions is called REACT.
FBE has been good at creating long films out of their short videos. Some of their most liked contents are Emo Dad, Elders, Teens and more.
This success makes them one of the most subscribed YouTubers today.
22. Liza Koshy: Girl Power In The Most Popular YouTubers
Subscribers: 17 million
•Specialization: Pop culture and comedy
•Earned: $12 million
•Account Creation Date: 2013
•Total Videos on the Channel: 154
•Total Video Views: 2 096 628 453
Elizabeth is an actress and YouTuber. She has also hosted tv programs. This girl started on YouTube when she was young, 6 years ago. What her subscribers love the most is when the funny faces.
She speaks fast and is very fun. This woman is not afraid of seeming ridiculous. Apart from fun topics, there is also some content on serious themes.
For example, there has been a chat about her anxiety. Also, about peer pressure.
Finally, she touched the issue of stalkers and Internet trolls. There’s a focus on how much damage this can make to people. Liza is very spontaneous, and people are very keen on that.
In her funny materials, she mostly plays with words. There is a cheerful way of being and is all over the place. Also, Koshy laughs a lot about herself. She has cooperated with other YouTubers.
This has made both of them even more subscribed. Lyza has made partners with many companies. These want to market their best products with her. So, her bank account has grown and has made a lot of money in the industry.
This young woman also has an account on Vine. There are loops funny materials. In the last months, she did not upload anything to her channel. Because of her had anxiety attacks, she was not able to work.
This girl was dating another Internet YouTuber, but they broke up, and now she’s single.
23. RomanAtwoodVlogs: Risky Character
Subscribers: 15.3 million
•Specialization: Pranks and daily life
•Earned: $20 million
•Account Creation Date: 2011
•Total Videos on the Channel: 1 624
•Total Video Views: 5 059 376 198
Last but not least, Roman Atwood is a big YouTube star. He also does comedy, but the main focus of his videos is pranks.
Also, the most recurrent feature is sharing details of his private life. Atwood has a family. So, his two sons and daughter become the protagonists of his stories.
This husband also likes showing off the lifestyle he has with this partner. Not long ago, as a father claimed to be going to stop showing his daily life.
Instead, this vlogger said he wanted to start with some other, new type of content. Though this might seem daunting for any channel owner, it isn’t so for him. Roman is not afraid of losing subscribers.
Certainly, subscribed persons follow him no matter what he does. In the past, this man used to do a lot of content related to pranks.
Today, his channel is more dedicated to trying to break records, for example. Yet, it has been the jokes that made him a top personality on YouTube. Each subscriber knows where to go if they need a good laugh.
This star uploads something on a monthly basis. Apart from this business, he conducts other activities. Some of them are selling merchandising and acting on some gigs.
Best Top 10 YouTubers in World 2020 & their income [Most Subscribed]
24. Cocomelon — Nursery Rhymes (65m subscribers)
Our only children’s channel in the list, it’s high position represents how much young kids watch YouTube videos.
The platform has become an easy way for parents to keep their kids entertained, especially with its autoplay feature. (Note: This trend isn’t always good.)
The channel itself has exactly what its title suggests. A huge bank of nursery rhymes about a range of subjects, featuring CGI characters and locations in a cartoonish design.
25. 5-Minute Crafts (62m subscribers)
Into the final three, and we have 5-Minute Crafts, a DIY channel that covers a whole range of subjects.
Originally started in 2016, it’s gone from strength to strength since and is the most subscribed-to channel of its type.
Along with craft videos, 5-Minute Crafts also includes life hacks for every part of your life, along with content for kids and parents.
26. SET India (59m subscribers)
Into the final five and we have Sony Entertainment Television, or SET, India.
Obviously Sony-owned, this Hindi-language channel is run by the Indian television channel of the same name.
The channel has what you’d expect from a TV channel including full episodes of TV shows, teaser trailers, and episode clips.
27. Canal KondZilla (53m subscribers)
Back to music, this time we’ve got Konrad Cunha Dantas’s channel Canal KondZilla.
Dantas is a music video producer and owner of KondZilla Records, and he posts music from KondZilla on his channel.
Centered around the funk ostentação genre, the popularity of this music has translated well to YouTube. The channel unsurprisingly includes loads of music videos, plus some behind-the-scenes footage.
28. WWE (50m subscribers)
WWE, or World Wrestling Entertainment, is the most popular sports channel on the list.
Hugely popular the world over, WWE has pulled in tens of millions of subscribers from every corner of the planet.
The WWE channel has recaps of recent matches, full matches, and plenty of footage from their archives, including classic fights and interviews.
29. Dude Perfect (47m subscribers)
Next up is Dude Perfect, a sports entertainment channel run by five guys from the US.
They originally started with basketball trickshot videos, but they’re now one of the most popular YouTube channels in the world and the second most popular sports one.
Dude Perfect make videos on a whole range of stuff, although the sport is still the main focus. On their channel, you can find content about drones, lasers, and, of course, trick shots.
30. Justin Bieber (47m subscribers)
Pop clearly gets you far on YouTube. Next, we have a child music sensation turned just regular music sensation, Justin Bieber. Bieber was actually discovered on YouTube, so it makes sense for him to be so far up the list.
His channel’s videos are what we’ve come to expect from musicians: music videos, promo material, interviews, and behind the scenes footage.
31. Badabun (43m subscribers)
Badabun is a Mexican channel with a range of content, which includes work with other YouTubers.
According to Wikitubia, the channel is well known for its ‘Exposing Infidels’ series where couples are interviewed about cheating on their partners.
32. Ed Sheeran (42m subscribers)
Another pop star in our midst. The ginger-haired Englishman Ed Sheeran takes our next spot.
Just like Ariana Grande, it’s to be expected that such a household name would make the top 20.
Sheeran’s channels are the usual fare including his music videos, live streams, and videos about the man himself.
33. Marshmello (40m subscribers)
Another musician on the list, next it’s Christopher Comstock, better known as Marshmello. The US DJ and producer is popular around the world, and that’s translated to millions of YouTube subscribers.
His account has the usual musician content such as music videos and publicity appearances, but there are also a few unique videos, including a drum tutorial for one of his songs and even a cooking video.
34. HolaSoyGerman. (40m subscribers)
The second appearance of Germán Alejandro Garmendia Aranis in the list.
What makes this position even more impressive is that there hasn’t been a new video on this channel in two years.
This channel is dedicated to comedy videos, generally commenting on aspects of everyday life such as studying, finding work, and parents.
35. Eminem music (39m subscribers)
World-famous US rapper and actor Eminem is next up. Proving again that
YouTube is fertile ground for musicians, Eminem has brought in tens of millions of subscribers.
His channel is exactly what you’d expect. Music videos from throughout his career, trailers for movies he’s involved with, and interviews.
36. Like Nastya Vlog (39m subscribers)
Kicking off the list is the most subscribed to channel in the Russian Federation.
Aimed at kids it features Like Nastya, and her parents who run the channel, recreating scenes from films and TV shows, singing songs and nursery rhymes, and going on trips.
Like Nastya also has another channel, with 15m subscribers, simply called ‘Like Nastya’, it puts out similar videos, but with more of a focus on playing and trips to amusement and activity parks.
37. Ariana Grande (38m subscribers)
One of the biggest pop stars in the world right now, it’s no shock to have Ariana Grande in this list.
Not only successful on Instagram (she has one of the most liked posts of all time), clearly she’s found fans on YouTube too.
Her channel is like those of most pop stars, including her music videos, behind-the-scenes footage, media appearances, and even the odd makeup tutorial.
38. Kids Diana Show (38m subscribers)
Children’s channels are hugely popular on YouTube, so we have a few like this on the list.
This one is focused on a girl called Diana, with the content focusing on her life and what it’s like to be a kid (who is constantly filmed, I guess).
The videos include toy unboxings, challenges, trips out and about, and other activities that children get up to. A concept that would have sounded bizarre just a few years ago, but here we are.
39. Zee TV (37m subscribers)
Zee TV is an Indian TV channel that’s managed to drum up a lot of interest online, taking advantage of the 500m Indians who use the internet. It’s also not the TV channel’s only entry on the list.
The channel’s content is much like any other TV channel’s one: trailers and clips from programs, promos, and interviews with their stars, all to get more people paying for their TV shows.
40. whinderssonnunes (37m subscribers)
First, we have whinderssonnunes (run by Brazilian Whindersson Nunes Batista), a channel dedicated to Whindersson’s comedy videos.
Active since 2013, Whindersson has built up a huge following over the years. Along with his comedy work he also posts vlogs, movie reviews, and his own songs.
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